Work, work, work

I haven’t posted in a few days, so I thought I’d make my blog a little more up-to-date.

This weekend my mom surprised me and visited. I had so much fun, it was great to have someone from home come up. We shopped and ran around the city. I realized how I am really starting to feel like a local now! I know all the hole-in-the-wall places around my apartment and can really navigate my way around the city. It was fun to just have a super-chill weekend.

My internship has been absolutely incredible! As I said before, I’m really doing things for the magazine and have done a great job getting some information that has been a bit hard to find. You’ll see some of the stuff I helped with in the next issue! 😉

I’ve been really happy doing all the work for my job. I actually have fun while I’m there! That’s the kind of job I want when I graduate.

I have had to stay super-late the past few weeks. For example, I didn’t get back to my apartment until 8:45 today! That really doesn’t bother me though, because as I said, I love what I’ve been doing at work. Praying I get some sort of job offer, but I know God has a good plan for me! I’ve been doing a better job trusting Him recently. I feel like since moving here my relationship with the Lord has grown and changed in some ways. I have found myself trusting Him more and being able to focus more on the present, rather than worrying about the future.

I also found an amazing church here, Redeemer Presbyterian Church! I went for the first time this past Sunday, and it was a really good sermon. I’m so excited to start a community group with the church and get to know more people!

Anyway, I feel like I’m rambling.

In my free time I’ve been able to hang out with some of my new friends, as well as read a lot at B&N (obviously, ha!) and even catch up with friends from home. February and March are about to get busy, as I have a long list of people who want to visit then. I am beyond excited!

New York is my home and I feel at home here.

Sometimes I get a little homesick, but only at night when I’m alone in my room (it’s weird not having someone to come home to– I’m such a people-person it kind of creeps me out a bit).

I am excited about tomorrow, though! I’m going to work out and try to get myself into some sort of workout routine again. Wish me luck!

Love always,


February 6, 2013.     Category: New York, Seventeen.   No Comments.

January 29

Today was a super long and busy day at work. I didn’t even take a break for lunch! I did, however, do a lot of fun researching and even got to interview one of my best friends for the magazine! It’s exciting being able to let friends become published, especially when they get really excited about it 🙂

Anyway, I didn’t get home until about 7:30 tonight, then I had to move my stuff to my new room. It’s a bit of a bummer because it’s less than half the size, but it still has a view and is very cozy! It’s nice because it’s just one floor down, so I can still hang out with the people I met on my other floor and it was a fairly simple move.

Riding the Subway to and from work has proved to be a kind of hilarious daily activity.

I already have so many stories about it! Spilling coffee on myself before work (well, that sucked but now it’s kind of funny), watching people sing and dance for money… Today was funny because this one girl about my age jumped on the Subway at the last second then panicked (and I mean PANICKED) because she didn’t have anything to hold on to… Take a chill pill! It was so crowded on there if you had “fallen” all the people around you would keep you up! It was funny to watch the freak-out, though, and see her realize that everything was OK and life would go on.

There was another man who had a similar issue, but for some reason decided to try to hold on to the light on the roof. Um. I didn’t even notice those lights until he did that. Needless to say, that didn’t work very well and I think he hurt his hand in the process.

I am starting to feel more and more like a New Yorker. I know how to jaywalk safely, hail a cab no problem, navigate through the Subway, and figure out the streets and how to get places. Life here is a bit rushed, but I’ve been pretty good at stopping and smelling the roses.

I will never get over the incredible view from my office window. Or my apartment even! It’s so neat hearing New York traffic bustle by at night; somehow it’s quite soothing.

Anyway, I’d better go to bed now. I’m waking up tomorrow to study for an online test I have and run to the post office. Send me your address if you would like to be pen pals! I’ve been pretty good at letter-writing so far 🙂



January 30, 2013. Tags: , , , .    Category: New York, Seventeen.   No Comments.

One Week Down

My internship has been fantastic so far.

I’ve actually been doing real work for the magazine and doing a good job investigating. It’s definitely giving me confidence for the work world when I graduate. Plus, as I mentioned earlier, it’s a long day and I’m hoping to get used to work hours. Time really does fly, though, because I love the work I’m doing.

Yesterday I decided to have lunch in the Hearst building’s cafeteria with another intern. One thing I could not get over while I was sitting there people-watching, was that every single person in that room had some sort of incredible job. Anything in that building would be absolutely amazing. I almost wanted to go around the whole room asking people what they did, but I’m not going to be labeled as a weirdo incase I do end up working there ever. 😉

On another note, ,my friends back home have been incredible. I’ve been talking to a few people on the phone every night before I go to bed, and I always have someone texting me. Thank you, you really don’t know how much that means to me! <3

I have also been trying to schedule everyone to come visit; I’m overwhelmed with so many dates! I am so so so excited to see y’all and can’t wait to have adventures with you here! I just hope I’ll have a weekend free to come home eventually 😉

Anyway, I’m going to go for a run now… I’m going to a market with some girls from my floor later! It reminds me of Portobello in London. New York and London are similar, but very different in some ways. I’ll have to compare them on here one day!

Love always,


January 26, 2013.     Category: New York, Seventeen.   No Comments.

First Day of Work

Boy am I tired!

Today was my first day at work and it was definitely a looong day!

I work from 10-6, so that’s a lot longer than I’m used to going to school.

Everyone at Seventeen is so nice though and I am really excited to get to know the editors and other interns there!

The office is amazing. I kept looking out the window wondering what it would be like to work in a place with such an incredible view. It’ll just take some time to sink in.

I got to do some research and even help some other departments today. I was definitely kept busy, but that’s how I like it! I didn’t take a lunch break today because I want to be a hard worker, but I realized that was a bit goofy so I’ll probably take a quick break next time.

It’s a bit overwhelming having so many new changes, but this has definitely been a dream job for me so I’m not going to waste the opportunity; I want to make the most of my time here!

I’m sleepy now, so watching Hulu then going to hit the hay.

Tomorrow I’m planning on spending the day at Starbucks and Barnes and Noble, as I have the day off. We’ll see what that brings!

Anyway, I love y’all and miss you… It was kind of sad seeing all the people put up their “last first day of class” statuses on Facebook. I wish I could be with my friends and family now too.



January 23, 2013.     Category: New York, Seventeen.   No Comments.

About My Internship

I will be working for Seventeen magazine, which is a part of the Hearst Corporation. I’m super excited to be in such a newsy building! There are so many different magazines there as well as television channels like ESPN and A+E.

My office is on the 17th floor (of course) and is a few blocks from Central Park.

I’ll update more once I get there!



January 14, 2013. Tags: , , .    Category: New York, Seventeen.   No Comments.