January 29

Today was a super long and busy day at work. I didn’t even take a break for lunch! I did, however, do a lot of fun researching and even got to interview one of my best friends for the magazine! It’s exciting being able to let friends become published, especially when they get really excited about it 🙂

Anyway, I didn’t get home until about 7:30 tonight, then I had to move my stuff to my new room. It’s a bit of a bummer because it’s less than half the size, but it still has a view and is very cozy! It’s nice because it’s just one floor down, so I can still hang out with the people I met on my other floor and it was a fairly simple move.

Riding the Subway to and from work has proved to be a kind of hilarious daily activity.

I already have so many stories about it! Spilling coffee on myself before work (well, that sucked but now it’s kind of funny), watching people sing and dance for money… Today was funny because this one girl about my age jumped on the Subway at the last second then panicked (and I mean PANICKED) because she didn’t have anything to hold on to… Take a chill pill! It was so crowded on there if you had “fallen” all the people around you would keep you up! It was funny to watch the freak-out, though, and see her realize that everything was OK and life would go on.

There was another man who had a similar issue, but for some reason decided to try to hold on to the light on the roof. Um. I didn’t even notice those lights until he did that. Needless to say, that didn’t work very well and I think he hurt his hand in the process.

I am starting to feel more and more like a New Yorker. I know how to jaywalk safely, hail a cab no problem, navigate through the Subway, and figure out the streets and how to get places. Life here is a bit rushed, but I’ve been pretty good at stopping and smelling the roses.

I will never get over the incredible view from my office window. Or my apartment even! It’s so neat hearing New York traffic bustle by at night; somehow it’s quite soothing.

Anyway, I’d better go to bed now. I’m waking up tomorrow to study for an online test I have and run to the post office. Send me your address if you would like to be pen pals! I’ve been pretty good at letter-writing so far 🙂



January 30, 2013. Tags: , , , .    Category: New York, Seventeen.   No Comments.

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