One Week Down

My internship has been fantastic so far.

I’ve actually been doing real work for the magazine and doing a good job investigating. It’s definitely giving me confidence for the work world when I graduate. Plus, as I mentioned earlier, it’s a long day and I’m hoping to get used to work hours. Time really does fly, though, because I love the work I’m doing.

Yesterday I decided to have lunch in the Hearst building’s cafeteria with another intern. One thing I could not get over while I was sitting there people-watching, was that every single person in that room had some sort of incredible job. Anything in that building would be absolutely amazing. I almost wanted to go around the whole room asking people what they did, but I’m not going to be labeled as a weirdo incase I do end up working there ever. 😉

On another note, ,my friends back home have been incredible. I’ve been talking to a few people on the phone every night before I go to bed, and I always have someone texting me. Thank you, you really don’t know how much that means to me! <3

I have also been trying to schedule everyone to come visit; I’m overwhelmed with so many dates! I am so so so excited to see y’all and can’t wait to have adventures with you here! I just hope I’ll have a weekend free to come home eventually 😉

Anyway, I’m going to go for a run now… I’m going to a market with some girls from my floor later! It reminds me of Portobello in London. New York and London are similar, but very different in some ways. I’ll have to compare them on here one day!

Love always,


January 26, 2013.     Category: New York, Seventeen.   No Comments.

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