Work, work, work

I haven’t posted in a few days, so I thought I’d make my blog a little more up-to-date.

This weekend my mom surprised me and visited. I had so much fun, it was great to have someone from home come up. We shopped and ran around the city. I realized how I am really starting to feel like a local now! I know all the hole-in-the-wall places around my apartment and can really navigate my way around the city. It was fun to just have a super-chill weekend.

My internship has been absolutely incredible! As I said before, I’m really doing things for the magazine and have done a great job getting some information that has been a bit hard to find. You’ll see some of the stuff I helped with in the next issue! 😉

I’ve been really happy doing all the work for my job. I actually have fun while I’m there! That’s the kind of job I want when I graduate.

I have had to stay super-late the past few weeks. For example, I didn’t get back to my apartment until 8:45 today! That really doesn’t bother me though, because as I said, I love what I’ve been doing at work. Praying I get some sort of job offer, but I know God has a good plan for me! I’ve been doing a better job trusting Him recently. I feel like since moving here my relationship with the Lord has grown and changed in some ways. I have found myself trusting Him more and being able to focus more on the present, rather than worrying about the future.

I also found an amazing church here, Redeemer Presbyterian Church! I went for the first time this past Sunday, and it was a really good sermon. I’m so excited to start a community group with the church and get to know more people!

Anyway, I feel like I’m rambling.

In my free time I’ve been able to hang out with some of my new friends, as well as read a lot at B&N (obviously, ha!) and even catch up with friends from home. February and March are about to get busy, as I have a long list of people who want to visit then. I am beyond excited!

New York is my home and I feel at home here.

Sometimes I get a little homesick, but only at night when I’m alone in my room (it’s weird not having someone to come home to– I’m such a people-person it kind of creeps me out a bit).

I am excited about tomorrow, though! I’m going to work out and try to get myself into some sort of workout routine again. Wish me luck!

Love always,


February 6, 2013.     Category: New York, Seventeen.   No Comments.

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