Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Dear friends,

Thank you for being so incredibly supportive of me as I start a new mini chapter in my life.

Most of you know that I have lived in Virginia my entire life, so moving to New York is a big step for me. You all have been amazing; people have contacted me with friends they know and can intr0duce me to, given me tips about life in the city and even helped me find a Bible study to join.

I cannot thank you enough.

Although I deleted my first blog, I am going to be posting on this one frequently to keep friends and family posted on my life. In return, please keep me up to date on yours! I always love to hear what my friends are up to and will definitely be checking in with y’all often 😉

Now I have to finish searching for a place to live… Not only am I looking for something that is within my price range, but I also have to find a place that actually has a room available! Wish me luck.



January 14, 2013. Tags: .    Category: New York.   No Comments.

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